Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Get Guidance from Your Dreams!

Mark your calendar for your “dream date!”

April 20, 2009 @ 9:00 pm PDT

Watch Joyce Mason’s lively interview with Dänna Wilberg, host of the Paranormal Connection in the Sacramento area on Comcast - Channel 17. Anywhere else, watch on the web on
Access Sacramento. Click on WATCH 17.

Here's a hint: Log on early! The web stream only holds 2000 viewers - if you are unable get online, call Access Sacramento: 916-456-8600. Let them know you want to watch "Paranormal Connection."

Topics covered include tips on remembering, recording, and deciphering your personal dream code. Hear some amazing results that speak for themselves about why you might want to play with your “Dream-Doh.”

Can’t make the web- or telecast or want supplemental information on this topic? Visit Joyce’s
Dreamwork page on her Writer Joyce Mason website.

Photo Credit: DREAM ©
Adpower99 Dreamstime.com


Pop Art Diva Enterprises said...

I'm going to try to get online! I have to say I don't want any guidance from my dream last night - kind of a nightmare! Maybe it was warning me what to avoid?

I did dream journals for ages while I studied Jungian dream therapy in college - mine, of course, were illustrated, lol - but I did get great insights into myself and this helped me change myself and my life!

Looking forward to this interview.

Joyce Mason said...

Thanks, Pop Art! Hope you enjoy the show. Dreams are a form of free guidance I always go back to. Gotta love self-help you can do in your sleep.

True, dreams can also tell us what not to do. Kind of like our experiences with people. Some are models to emulate; others are good examples of how not to be.