First a Lemmy (Lemonade Award), now a Kreativ Blogger Award—both big honors as nods from my fellow bloggers. I’m grateful to my friend, Eileen Williams of The Feisty Side of Fifty for this affirming recognition. Feisty is one of my regular blog stops. Eileen celebrates not just the idea that “the best is yet to be,” but that the best already is happening among women in full bloom!
If you’ve been nominated in my list later in this post and want to pay it forward (optional, of course), here are the guidelines:
· Thank the person who gave you the award
· Place the logo on your blog
· Link to the person who nominated you
· Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting
· Nominate 7 bloggers for this award and post links to their blogs
· Send a message to let them know they’ve been nominated
Seven Things About Me You May Find Interesting About Me
- I started taking private voice lessons at age 3. When I was 5 years old, I auditioned for the Ted Mack Original Amateur Hour, the boomer version of American Idol. I sang “How Much Is That Doggie in the Window.”
- As a writer, I was first a poet in the ‘70s—read at coffee houses and taught in California’s Poetry in the Schools program.
- In 5th grade, I won the Excellence Medal for being the most well rounded student. (Like Gypsy Rose Lee, I pride myself on being “very versatile.”)
- I spent over half my civil service career in “garbage” and recycling—environmental protection programs.
- I am addicted to Agatha Christie’s Poirot and am in the process of watching all the DVDs. Can’t get the theme song out of my head, known as an earworm. (I’m terribly prone to them.)
- I am a reunion junkie. I have found all my lost loves, including birth mom and first boyfriend—we’ve been married since 1998.
- My husband Tim likes to say, “I didn’t know I was lost,” regarding #6, but he wanted to find his way into one of these bullets and add his two-cents worth. He thought you might want know I have these seven qualities: humorous, deep, a unique worldview, an affinity for language, childlike, generous and loyal. (No wonder I hunted him down and snapped him up again!)
As Eileen mentioned in her own Kreativ Blogger post, I share the dilemma of too many faves to limit myself to seven—but I’ll honor some of the others in another recognition cycle. Here’s my list:
Seven of My Favorite Kreativ Blogs
Gail Goodwin's Blog: Gail is the inspiration behind Inspire Me Today, starting the list with a two-fer, both described next.
Inspire Me Today: As one who thrives on written inspiration daily, if not hourly, I hit nirvana when I discovered Inspire Me Today, “Best of the Best Inspiration DailyTM.” No hype: This blog earns its catchphrase and my utter respect for its diverse, daily and inspired interviews. Gail’s creation, the Daily asks, If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others? Gail’s blog gives us a more personal lens on life from the woman who created Inspire Me Today and The Global Hug Tour.
Diva of Tiny Foods: Am I the only one who never knows what to bring to the potluck or family dinner, even if they only assign me an appetizer? It’s not that I’m inept in the kitchen, but I’m busy. I require the Rachel Ray approach to cooking or prepping food—30 minutes or less. PopArtDiva in one of her many hats—this time a chef’s hat—offers up easy-to-fix tidbits that delight with artistically yummy recipe cards. Keep “spreading the joy of small food one bite at a time!”
The Muffin: Another grand women’s cooperative blog (who bakes muffins one at time?) that boasts never being stale. From the bakers of WOW—Women on Writing—this place is breakfast for writers and three squares a day in inspiration. Since all bloggers are writers, if you blog, take break. Have a muffin.
Second Chance at Your Dream: Dorothea Hover-Kramer, Ed.D., RN hosts this site on learning about using energy psychology’s self-help resources for achieving an optimal second half of life.
Six Word Memoirs – If you think 140 characters makes for concise writing on Twitter, wait till you try telling a story in just six words. I love these two-second reads. Many are nothing short of brilliant, and as a writer, I have to hand it to the rising creativity of the masses in these micro-memoir tidbits.
Spirited Woman Blog - What an ensemble cast of creative, spirited bloggers! Diverse topics include astrology, books, children, creative arts, current affairs—and on and on. If you can’t find it here, I doubt it exists, and you won’t find it done with more style, pizzazz, and celebration of life.
I love this opportunity to share resources that truly move me. Congratulations to all the winners, and thank you for the richness your creativity adds to my life.
Hi, Joyce!
I"m thrilled that you accepted the Kreativ Blogger Award and passed it along to seven other sites. I read through your list and am a fan of many of your chosen selection myself. Another thing you may not know about me is that I interviewed Dr. Hover-Kramer on Feisty Side of Fifty Radio. What an amazing woman with lots of great information.
And much continued success to you, my friend, on your wonderful blogs, they ALWAYS inspire me!
Thanks, again, for nominating me, Eileen, and for endorsing Hot Flashbacks so wholeheartedly. I did listen to your interview with Dr. Hover-Kramer. That's how I discovered her! :) You have introduced me to some very talented women in full bloom. Your blog and radio show rock!
Hi Joyce,
I'm part of WOW!'s blog, and we are now all back from summer vacations and summer craziness and want to say THANK YOU! We are getting our blog post together and will be up soon. You have a great blog here, and you are great with descriptions! Thanks again.
Margo Dill
Welcome back, Margo--and welcome to Hot Flashbacks, Cool Insights. Your Kreativ Blogger nomination is well-deserved, and I'll look forward to your "play it foward" post! I love WOW!
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